Facilities and Locations

We are one lab in two locations

Design Innovation Lab @ Wendt

Here we provide a wide range of rapid prototyping equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters and electronics.

Directions, hours and parking

Student Org Spaces

Phil Myers Automotive Center “PMAC”, is a lab dedicated to the student org car teams on CoE’s campus, and is the home for the following Student Orgs:

At right, Arjun Chaudhary describes the rail-braking system of Badgerloop Pod II as the team reveals their group's in-progress design during an event held for media, sponsors and supporters at the Mechanical Engineering Building lobby at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on June 17, 2017. The Badgerloop team is preparing for the international SpaceX Hyperloop Competition II Aug. 25-27, 2017, in California. A hyperloop involves a pod moving in a low-pressure tube at hundreds of miles per hour. The sole criteria for this year's competition is speed. (Photo by Jeff Miller / UW-Madison)

DI Lab actively manages other shop spaces used by the following Student Orgs:

Other Student Orgs that actively use the DI Lab and resources are:

All College of Engineering Student Orgs are listed here.