Methods of Payment

We accept Wiscard, debit cards, credit cards or funding strings (see Payment Account below) for consumables at the Minimarts. Simply head to the check-out window to pay via one of these methods (cash is not accepted). 

Interdepartmental Payment Accounts

Payment Accounts are how we process UW funding string transactions. These internal UW funding accounts:

  • May be charged by authorized students, faculty and staff.
  • May only be set up by department admins (setting fund allotments, expiration dates, and more).
  • May cover student’s Access Fee or M-Pass Fee.
  • These accounts are billed monthly, and nothing is charged unless it’s used.

Create a Payment Account *You must use your NetID to create a payment account.

Modify an Existing Payment Account *This link will open a new window with a google form. Please email with questions.

Search Open Payment Accounts *You must log into google with your NetID to search a payment account.

See Fee FAQs on our policies page.