3D Scanners

Get Started:

Common uses for 3D scanning: Reverse engineering, Measuring, Duplicating a part via scanning + 3D printing. Is 3D scanning the right tool for your job? Sometimes it’s easier and/or faster to just use calipers, make a mold, etc.

To use our 3D scanners, Make a Reservation above. Otherwise, send us an email with the following:

Pictures: Parts with deep grooves, small overhangs, tight corners, or anything hard to shine a light on might not be good candidates for 3D scanning, but we will help assess. 

Purpose: To understand if 3D scanning is the proper method for your part, we assess the purpose for the scan, your timeline and the resolution needed. 

Resolution needed: to understand the equipment required.

Timeline: to understand the parameters of the request.

If scanning is the right method, we’ll schedule a time to assist in scanning your parts. 

If the scan file needs to be cleaned or merged, 3D Scanning leads will show you how to do that using VxElements, and users can post-processing independently.

Software + Equipment

The Creaform Handyscan 700 is an amazing engineering tool and will give sub-millimeter resolution scans that are professional grade.

  • The Creaform VX Elements software is the best tool for post-processing the mesh. It’s super powerful for analyzing the mesh and adding entities like surfaces, lines, planes, points that can be imported into CAD packages. However, the software is only on a couple powerful Makerspace laptops – you can borrow the laptops while in the Makerspace though you’ll need shop manager approval.
    • 3D scanning has two parts:
      • Part 1: Scan, which will likely take 1-2 hours for a small/simple part.
      • Part 2: Post-processing the scan (mesh) using Creaform’s VX Elements software can take a while depending on your needs. Expect at least 1-2 hours for a simple part. While the VX Elements software for the Creaform scanners is user-friendly, it’s similar to a CAD or FEA package = training is required. We’re here to help train you on the software – it’s a super fun engineering tool to learn.
    • Preparing your item takes a bit of time and may require spraying it with this powder (which we provide).
    • You may need to put “target” stickers on your object if it’s large (e.g. larger than a basketball)

Mesh Mixer

Stucture Sensor (iPad-mounted): All the scanning software is built into the iPad you check-out with the scanner. You will email an .stl file to yourself through the app, which can be opened + edited using Mesh Mixer (free) or other mesh editing software. Mesh Mixer is installed on all of the CAE computers in the Makerspace.

Einscan SP: The scanning software (Mesh Mixer) is installed on the CAE computer next to the scanner (ask our staff to help if needed). Or you can install it yourself and use your own laptop. You email an .stl file to yourself, which can be edited using Mesh Mixer (free) or other mesh editing software.

Creaform HandySCAN & Academia 50: The scanning and mesh editing software is called VX Elements, which is only available on Makerspace computers. See our staff for more info. You can also use your own software such as DesignX, etc. Talk to our staff for more info.

3D Scanning Equipment List

3D Scanners Project Support

Check-in during these hours for questions pertaining to design consultation, materials, and best practices.

E-mail maker-3dscan@engr.wisc.edu with questions.