The Introduction to Machining module introduces students to basic machining techniques using a mill and a lathe. It’s intended as a foundation to be built on as students work on more ambitious, complex projects throughout their time here. Students will learn safe operation of a manual mill and a lathe and, in doing so, will produce a small test part to precise specifications.
- Make sure you’ve completed the Intro to Shop Tools! This is an important prerequisite for the material you’ll learn in Intro to Machining.
- Complete the Intro to Machining quizzes in Canvas, which includes watching the demonstration videos.
- Successfully complete the test piece (reserve machines through Fusion and actually use the machines to make the part in the shop)
Test Piece
To make the test piece, reserve a lathe and mill online and then come to the ECB Shop and make it. Individuals typically need at least two hours on each machine (4 x 30-minute slots each), and the lathe should be reserved before the mill. The ECB Shop will provide you with the metal you will be machining when you arrive.
Making the Alpha part videos: lathe and mill
Making the Beta part videos: lathe and mill
- When you have completed all quizzes, you will be able to reserve a lathe and a mill to do your test piece in Fusion
- You will need to start with a two-hour reservation on a lathe, followed by a second, two-hour reservation on a mill. They do not have to be done on the same day!
- We will supply all necessary tools, materials and safety glasses. Please show up dressed appropriately at your reserved time and check in at the window.